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Re: [openppc] Pegasos PPC Motherboard
On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 12:33:02PM +0000, Alasdair Ferro wrote:
> > As with all things amiga related, i will believe it when i see it.
> >
> > That said, it will be their last chance, the boxer project having failed and
> > the news about the AmigaOne being scarce, so let's hope they make it right.
> I do agree with your cynicism, but I can't see how the could go belly up now (I'll be proved wrong
> I'm sure :-) ).
Well, the boxer project made us wait for years (since 97 i think), even showed
prototypes, and now mike thinker said there is no market for amiga stuff and
just got on to other stuff.
And were are the POP boards we have been waiting for ?
If IBM had problems with their north bridge manufacturer, couldn't it not be
that bplan has some similar problems ?
Again, it may well be true that this will happen, and that the pegasus board
will work, bbut for myself, i will believe in it when i see them. (and anyway,
i have no money right now for buying one :)))
> > On a side note, what do you think about this :
> >
> > http://www.eet.com/story/OEG20011105S0047
> >
> > it speak about the rapidIO vs HyperTransport choice, and in the light of apple
> > being in the hyperTransport consortium, ...
> I think it will be interesting to see what happens. Apple may feel that there is more support for
I have seen on one of the rumor sites, that one of the apples G5 developper
board (the second batch) is based on hypertransport, but now, is it true ?
> HyperTransport within the PC sector, compared to RapidIO. If this is the case they may be able to
> tap into south bridges etc, designed for HT, and have a RapidIO <-> HT style north bridge. Also, do
> I remember correctly - isn't the G5 meant to have an integrated memory controller, which removes
> some of the north bridge functionality (or am I getting confused....). Specualation, but Apple might
> know something we don't about the G5 / 6 line...... All in all, let's see what happens - it can only
> be interesting!!
Well, my understanding is that the G5 includes the memory subsystem and the
rapidio/HT bus. Don't know how AGP will work with this, but i guess it will be
an independent HT/rapidio device, with an AGP bridge or something such.
If this is true, then the bus choosen will be important once the graphic chip
maker will include the HT or 3GIO port directly, instead of using AGP.
Also, we have not to forget 3GIO, where AMD is a participant also, ...
> Alasdair
> P.S. Anybody able to attend Amiga-2001 in Cologne?? and report back??
Not me, it is a bit far, and i wouldn't be able to justify the deplacement
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