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[openppc] bplan PPC board

There were some recent posts asking about availability of a PowerPC board.  While I am now pursuing my goal of growing the PowerPC market via Darwin, because of the microkernel architecture, and Apple hardware, I am very glad to provide this information for the purpose of helping grow the overall PowerPC market. 

bplan sample boards will be available to developers in about 4-6 weeks as single cpu systems (G3/G4). Dual 7450 systems are following about 4 weeks later (cpu cards will be user upgradable). bplan will have a developer registration program for those boards at their web site at mid of next week. Developer boards will be available at normal retail price (but ~10 weeks in advance to normal production) of about $600 for a G3@450MHz single cpu system.

bplan is definitely targeting the Open Source market with their board. The initial market Atari/Amiga is only for ramp-up volumes (and verifying
logistic and other stuff). bplan will provide a full OpenFirmware BIOS
and a Linux/BSD BIOS for their system.  bplan believes that their board will be a nice solution for the PPC Open Source market. 

I did not attach the board layout image because I was not sure that this list can handle that large of a file.

This information was submitted to me by:

Gerald Carda
Technical Director
bplan GmbH (GmbH mean incorporated)
Georg Wolff Str. 8
60439 Frankfurt
Tel +49 69 95776444
Fax +49 69 95776445
[email protected]

If you contact Gerald by e-mail, using <koehl-tjes> as your subject will get your message recognized.
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