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Re: [openrisc] some question

Actually there is linux.bin, which is consist of text and data sections
(and romfs image if it exist), but if you need complete image you can

or32-uclinux-objcopy -O binary linux linux.bin

This would produce binary image which has to start at address zero
(includes also romfs image).

There are several ways to program the flash. One is, to write flash
loader program and merge it with linux.bin image. Such file you can
download to the RAM using gdb (via JTAG) and then start it.


���� wrote:
> Hi, erveryone
>  I have three questions below:
>     When built or32-uClinux, why there no "make linux.bin" to generate linux.bin?
>     How can I built linux.bin?
>     If builted the linux.bin, how can I download it to th flash?
> Thanks!
> Zhy
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