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[openrisc] Linking problems


    I�ve been linking programs against ukerner included in the 
testbench directory of or1ksim.
   When I compile a program using float operations I send the ctors 
and dtors sections to RAM memory using the default.ld script. But 
when I try to run my program in the simulator I found this in the 0x0 

i=0 :: label: ___stdio_close_all |9c21fffc l.addi r1,r1,-4
i=4 :: d4014800 l.sw 0x0(r1),r9
i=2c :: 9c210004 l.addi r1,r1,0x4

Because of this my reset vectors begins in 0x1300 instead of 0x100.
I think I should modify the default.ld script but I don�t know how

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