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RE: [fpu] FPU needed

OK if that is the case I'll start working on the
Divider and leave teh other cores, but anyhow I'll
recode them later in VHDL.
But since I do not know verilog I may need some time,
do you have any resources to study verilog. I also do
not have a compiler for it. I'll start looking for teh
dividers on teh web and if I could not learn verilog
fast I'll do it in VHDL and then translate it

Jamil KHatib

--- Rudolf Usselmann <russelmann@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >From: owner-fpu@opencores.org
> [mailto:owner-fpu@opencores.org]On Behalf
> >Of Damjan Lampret
> >
> >
> >OK, I deleted last 5 or 6 emails. I got really
> frustrated. I have a
> >chance to do silicon here at Zilog and I was really
> hoping FPU would be
> >included. I have a simple question:
> >
> >- can I get at least basic FPU in verilog (I am
> afraid I won't have
> >vhdl license for at least a month)?
> >
> >Who cares if it is fully IEEE-754 compliant. It can
> be fixed later !
> >
> >--damjan
> OK, fine, I'll continue working on it. I just
> thought it would be a waste
> of resources. However, I most likely won't have the
> chance to do a divide
> block. So if Jamil could write that in Verilog, (I
> can do the testing, I
> have a compute farm at home) it does not have to be
> all perfect, just do
> a single precision FP divide. I will need it about
> two weeks before Damjan
> needs everything, so I can integrate and verify.
> Damjan, we need to talk about schedule. When is the
> actual tape out date ?
> How much time do you need for integration, testing
> and synthesis ?
> When do you need to have all blocks ?
> rudi
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