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[pci] RE: PCI-Bridge Synthesize
I think, perhaps, the problem comes from XST doesn't support Verilog 2000
I try to use synopsys express compiler with the option "Verilog
Pre-processor Enable" and it seems to work without any modifications of the
verilog files.
Someone could tell me what does meens the options :
synopsys translate_off and synopsys translate_on?
Best regards
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Sebastien DESHAYES [mailto:sebastien.deshayes@isismpp.fr]
Envoy� : lundi 29 avril 2002 18:49
� : 'pci@opencores.org'; 'mihad@opencores.org_NOSPAM';
Objet : PCI-Bridge Synthesize
First, I'm student and new to verilog.
I'm trying to synthesize your PCI-Bridge Open Core with Xilinx ISE 4.1, in a
virtex XCV400-6, with XST compiler.
I get the following errors :
" ERROR:Xst:996 - pci_tpram.v Line 308. Undefined Text Substitution macro
'undef' "
" ERROR:Xst:996 - wb_addr_mux.v Line 165. Undefined Text Substitution macro
'undef' "
The only change made in your files is to define FPGA and XILINX in the
pci_user_constraints.v file.
To not have thoses errors I have to write the following lines :
" // `undef RAM_SELECTED " in line 308 of pci_tpram.v
" // `undef DEC0_INCLUDE " in line 165 of wb_addr_mux.v
Do you know if the problem comes frome XST compiler? or from an error in the
pci_user_constraints.v file?
best regards
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