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Re: [usb] crc algorithm
Hi Tambunan,
I don't think that's a right way to
implement CRC check sum.
There are two ways to implement it. Please
refer to Kwanie's post and his recently corrected one.
The second way is the prefer one in hardware design.
Because it saves time and easier to implement for
hardware acceleration.
Assume you have M-bit input, and N-bit CRC,
then you need M+N cycle to calculate CRC (without
hardware acceleration). M for input, N for "one's
complement of calculated CRC", then you can get the
fix remainder which is 01100.
datain for M is input, last N cycle is ~CRC.
assign crc0 = datain ^ crc[4];
crc[4] <= crc[3];
crc[3] <= crc[2];
crc[2] <= crc[4] ^ crc[1];
crc[1] <= crc[0];
crc[0] <= crc[4] ^ datain;
Good Luck.
--- RE Tambunan <[email protected]> wrote:
> On 20 Feb 2002 at 16:16, Bo wrote:
> > Hi Tambunan,
> > For my understanding, it really doesn't
> > matter what pattern you should fill during the
> > initialization. As far as you use the same
> > pattern on both encode and decode part, it should
> > come out the same result. You can check it use
> > math calculation, C or even verilog.
> Hi Bo... I've checked the CRC calculation when CRC
> register initial value filled with 0 and 1 with some
> examples
> and I found that the result are different.
> I follow the rules from USB 1.1 specification and
> here is
> the algorithm for 5-bit CRC (CMIIW...):
> // from 2nd paragraph section 8.3.5
> integer i;
> reg [4..0] crc5out, crc5poly;
> reg [11..0] data;
> crc5out = 'b11111; // or crc5out = 'b00000;
> crc5poly = 'b00101;
> for (i=0; i<12; i=i+1) begin
> msb = crc5out[4];
> crc5out = crc5out << 1;
> if ( (msb XOR data[i]) = 1) then begin
> crc5out = crc5out XOR crc5poly;
> end
> end
> // from 3rd paragraph section 8.3.5 for CRC
> generator
> crc5out = ~crc5out;
> There are some examples in "CRC in USB" whitepaper
> I used to check above algorithm.
> - setup addr 15 endp e
> data = 'b10101000111
> crc5out = 'b10111 ; for initial = 'b11111
> crc5out = 'b00000 ; for initial = 'b00000
> - out addr 3a endp a
> data = 'b01011100101
> crc5out = 'b11100 ; for initial = 'b11111
> crc5out = 'b10100 ; for initial = 'b00000
> - in addr 70 endp 4
> data = 'b00001110010
> crc5out = 'b01110 ; for initial = 'b11111
> crc5out = 'b11001 ; for initial = 'b00000
> Also have you check Mr. Rudi's core ?
> He also prefills crc5 and crc16 register with '1'
> (check usbf_pa.v and usb_pd.v).
> Btw... there is also an online document, which
> is a thesis of Mr. Myilone Anandarajah, that
> uses '0' to prefill CRC initial value.
> Any comment for this :-)....
> Best regard,
> RE Tambunan
> --
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