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Re: [usb] Latency for ACK/NAK/STALL

** Proprietary **

the latency required for

LS device - 7.5 low speed bit times
FS device - 7.5 full speed bit times
HS device - 192 high speed bit times

the above holds good even for the host. i suppose the high speed host can do some other transactions during this time.

it's better if u can go through 7.1.18, 7.1.19 of USB2.0 spec. u can get more clear idea of bus turn-around time, inter-packet delay, end-to-end delay for both captive and detachable cables.


>>> [email protected] 06/11/02 10:56PM >>>

  What is the latency of the device to send handshake pkt after it
  received the command and data. Does the same latency hold good
  for the host when it needs to send ACK ? Does this vary for low/high/
  full speed ?

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