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RE: [usb] USB 1.1 questions
Thanks for the clarification Ravi,
can u please explain the 2nd point u mentioned?
also, the max bulk data at a time i can transmit over
an pipe coresponding to IN endpoint is 64 bytes.
then how do i transmit a data of say 5kb from the memory to the IN endpoint???
-----Original Message-----
From: Ravi Kumar [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 1:56 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [usb] USB 1.1 questions
hi vivek
The CRC algol everything will be taken care by the
hardware, uneed not take of that from device drivers
all u need to do is to
1)Schedule the transaction
2)provide the lists for processing namely
bulk,control,iso,interrupt list
--- Vivek Kangralkar <[email protected]>
wrote: > Hi,
> I am very new to USB. I am reading USB 1.1 specs
> from www.usb.org.
> i have a basic question.
> if i am using USB 1.1 & if i want to transfer data
> to/from device, do i need to take care of USB CRC,
> ACK, NAK, STALL etc? or USB itself will take care of
> it?
> do i need to implement CRC algorithms while writing
> device driver?
> waiting for answers,
> Vivek
> --
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