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Re: [usb] USB Controller

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Steven Grunza <steven_grunza@i... > 
To: usb@o...  
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 17:22:40 -0400 
Subject: [usb] USB Controller 

> Hash: SHA1 
> I'm currently working on a home project.  A USB controller in VHDL 
> for an Altera FPGA would be just what I'm looking for.  All the 
> current USB controllers seem to be peripheral only or need a PCI 
> bus. 
>  My single board computer doesn't have PCI and needs to be a host 
> controller. 
> My time is limited but I would like to help out with the USB 
> Controller project if I can. 
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> "Luke, you're going to find that many | Steven Grunza 
> of the truths we cling to depend      | voice:  (856) 787 - 2759 
> greatly on our own point of view."    | fax:    (856) 866 - 2033 
>  - Obi Wan Kenobi, Return of the Jedi | e-mail: 
> steven_grunza@i...  
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