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Re: [usb] About the verfication of CRC16 in opencore USB core

** Proprietary **


i hope u might be very new to the USB protocol. the problem can be better understood if u read the USB Spec. however i am giving a brief explanation of it below.

CRC is used for checking whether there is any error in the data received. if u can go into of USB Spec1.1, the residual polynomial for the error free data reception should be equal to 800Dh. hence in the assignment, that value is used to check whether all the received bits(data & CRC fields) are correct or not.


>>> [email protected] 09/25/02 02:16PM >>>
Hello!! Everybody

I have the question about the opencore USB core.
The original verilog code is following :
assign crc16_err = data_done & (crc16_sum != 16'h800d);
I don't understand why the check number of CRC16 is 800d(Hex).

best regards  
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