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Re: [usb] NEW ! USB 1.1 Function IP Core

Mr.Rudolf Usselmann,
  According to UTMI Specification Reversion1.05,UTM implemented such 
functions as NRZI encoding and decoding,HS&FS DLL,receive and 
transmit state machine,etc..It seems that your source code has the 
same function as UTM except the analog part.Thank you for the 
  With regard to the host controller,if the USB1.1 is to be implemented,I 
think most of the work you have done is valuable.As a result,the 
remaining difficulty lies in USB STATE Control,List Processor,and Root 
Hub Cofiguration.I am interested in host controller,however,some 
difficult points should be clarified before starting the project.
  I wish someone could tell the difference between the root hub and 
general hub.

[email protected]
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rudolf Usselmann <rudi@a... > 
To: usb@o...  
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 13:09:39 +0700 
Subject: Re: [usb] NEW ! USB 1.1 Function IP Core 

> On Thursday 10 October 2002 12:52, meizx@i...  wrote: 
> > There is no UTM notion in USB Spec. Version1.1.Why the new 1.1 
> It's "UTMI" and not "UTM" !  The UTMI specification is beyond the 
> USB specification. It has been developed AFTER USB 1.1. 
> Nevertheless it can be applied to USB 1.1 as well. The reason I 
> have 
> chosen it, is because I wanted to provide a standardized PHY and 
> USB 1.1 
> cores independent of each other. For example, there is no reason 
> why 
> the USB 1.1 PHY could not be adopted to work at high-speed (USB 
> 2.0). 
> > function core provide this interface.I read the white paper 
> from usb.org 
> > website "Designing a robust usb serial interface 
> engine(SIE)".Where to 
> > find the codes implementing the DPLL in this function? 
> The DPLL is in the  Phy NOT SIE ! 
> > Regards 
> > MeiZX 
> rudi 
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