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[usb] status of USB 2.0 device IP core
Hello Rudi,
I am really interested in using the USB 2.0 device IP core!
Currently, we are working on the design of an FPGA prototype board and
we would like to use the USB interface to connect the board to a host
machine (PC, workstation).
Now I would like to know how the status of the above mentioned IP core
is? Are there still people working on it? I would really like to
participate in verifying the core. For this task we have installed the
USB transceiver model "utmi_fz" from Synopsys. Now we would like to
connect the IP core to that transceiver and our internal on-chip bus
which is Intel's PLB because our software is running on a PowerPC-405
(macro block of Xilinx' Virtex-II-Pro FPGA).
Could you please tell us, if anyone else is working with the IP core and
is intending to verify the functionality by downloading it onto an FPGA?
Waiting for your reply!
Heik Heinrich Hellmich mailto:[email protected]
Technical University Berlin, TIME
Microelectronics Division, Sekr. EN 4 fon: +49 (0)30 314 25682
Einsteinufer 17, D-10587 Berlin, Germany fax: +49 (0)30 314 24597
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