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RE: [usb] USB soft core (VHDL)

I too am looking for a VHDL core. However, what I plan on trying is to 
import the verilog code into a synthesis tool, and export a VHDL netlist. 
Most current synthesis tools will read VHDL and Verilog languages and 
give you the capability to export a VHDL netlist. I plan on treating that 
netlist as a black box module. The rest of my design is VHDL, but at the 
top level, will instantiate the VHDL netlist IP core into my design.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vikas T Rao " <vikasraot@m... > 
To: <usb@o... > 
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2003 15:15:24 +0530 
Subject: RE: [usb] USB soft core (VHDL) 

> there are tools(Visual HDL) which convert from verilog to vhdl and 
> vice-versa. probably u try that after u don't get any vhdl code in 
> web. 
> >>> vanbaarleb@t...  02/04/03 02:56PM >>> 
> Thank you for your reply Vikas, but I'm afraid that's not quite 
> helping 
> me. 
> I'm using some good design and simulation tools for VHDL (which I 
> would 
> like 
> to keep using in the future) and it's working fine, but I find it 
> weird 
> that 
> there isn't an USB open core in VHDL. John (Deepu C) mentioned it 
> before 
> that not everybody is into Verilog. ...so I keep continue 
> searching. 
> Bart 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Vikas T Rao [mailto:vikasraot@m... ] 
> Sent: 04 February 2003 09:58 
> To: usb@o...  
> Subject: Re: [usb] USB soft core (VHDL) 
> hi, 
> probably only thing u can do is learn verilog. verilog is easy and 
> will 
> take only 10 days max to learn it. 
> ...vikas. 
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