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Re: [fpu] Add/Sub Unit Test Vectors
Hi all,
I was not there in the last weeks and I was busy with
the OpenTech cdrom and a small project on Xilinx JBits
core "I'll announce it soon".
I can work now on the FPU project again.
> Actually Rudi wrote HTML page and it is in CVS. But
> since you were the last
> one making changes on FPU web pages we decided to
> wait for you and decide
> together whether fasu is a separate project/core or
> it should become part of
> the "FPU" project.
I think it should be.
In the mean time Rudi and I have
> already agreed what we
> should do to develop FPU. And I was just about to
> publish this news on this
> mailing list. Basically Rudi is working on
> implementation of FPU and I need
> to develop 'C' program for generating test vectors.
Do you think that c program is suitable for generating
test vecotrs? I am not sure if the core is written
inverilog. I know in that I VHDL you have to write a
test bench and supply the test vectors and since these
vectors have different operations and large values we
should build a simple method "may be generic for all
projects" that can be used in the verifications either
in C or perl or any other language.
This method should take some simple and human readable
commands and numbers then generate the vecorts based
on it.
"I tried to make small vhdl functions that converts
from readable numbers to IEEE std floating bits but I
do not know if it has any use"
Further we can compare results from both the c
language that runs on IEEE CPU and the simulation
Could you explain more about how do you interface teh
C code to the HDL code in your approach?
> At the moment we have
> decided to optimize for std cell ASIC 0.18/0.25u and
> not for FPGAs.
I do not agree with you on that at least for teh first
step, I prefere to make it generic more toward FPGA
then after veryfing its functionality we can start the
next optimization phase.
> I guess it would be good to write some sort of specs
> (anybody interested?).
> Also Jamil you asked some good question that deserve
> answers (I'll am away
> for day or two so I can't answer them right now; I
> hope others will engage
> into discussion).
In fact I start drawing some block diagrams some time
ago I'll continue these days and I'll write my project
definition according to the project template I sent
few weeks ago but I did not get any comment.
there are many people ask for a start point for new
projects but they do not have any guidness so we
should agree on some project template and give it high
> regards,
> Damjan
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