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Re: [fpu] Add/Sub Unit Test Vectors
> From: Jamil Khatib <[email protected]>
> Subject: Re: [fpu] Add/Sub Unit Test Vectors
> --- Rudolf Usselmann <[email protected]> wrote:
> > The INF and NAN are OUTPUTS. They are asserted when
> > one of the input
> > operands was a NAN or INF. Currently I don not
> > enforce that a INF or NAN
> > values is correctly represented on the sum output.
> > Should I add this ?
> > I thought it will be mostly used to generate an
> > exception ....
> As far as I know that these special values must appear
> on FPU registers and not signals or exceptions only.
OK, I'll add that to the cores ...
> But as I know from the IEEE std the denormalized
> numbers are so important in some calculations. I am
> not sure why but I'll give you examples tomorrow. but
> it should be supported for both inputs and outputs
I can't see why. Denormalized numbers are equivalent to simple
32 bit integers (except that they are only 23 bits).
> >
> > > 4. How do you handel NAN and INF numbers at the
> > input?
> >
> > Assert INF and/or NAN output signal.
> Note: denormalized numbers aer no. that have exp=0
> and fract!=0
Yes, I know that.
> I think the issues of normalizations, special values
> and exceptions should be handeled globally or the
> cores will generate and use different values and that
> will reflect incorrect no. on the registers.
Normalization can not be handled globally. The FASU has to normalize
a 25 bit sum, the FMUL unit, has to normalize a 48 bit product.
Exceptions, on the other hand, must be handled by some sort of
exception handler ...
> what I am not sure about it is should we have an
> instruction to normalize denormalized numbers??
Yes, ALMOST ! What we need is Integer to Floating Point and
vise versa conversions.
> I am going to write a summary of what I know of IEEE
> std.
I think we all have a copy of that, but thanks anyway ...
> Regards
> Jamil Khatib