Source: ../../policy/backend/policy_redist_map.hh

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// $XORP: xorp/policy/backend/policy_redist_map.hh,v 1.2 2005/03/25 02:54:13 pavlin Exp $


#include "policytags.hh"
#include <map>
#include <string>

 * @short A Map between policytags and where the route should be redistributed.
 * This map normally resides in the RIB. As routes pass through the rib, their
 * policytags need to be analyzed. According to these tags, the route must be
 * sent to various routing protocols to enable export policies.
class PolicyRedistMap {

     * Configure redistribution to a protcol for these tags.
     * @param protocol destination protocol for these tags.
     * @param tags policytags which need to be redistributed to the protocol.
    void insert(const string& protocol, const PolicyTags& tags);

     * Reset the redistribution map
    void reset();

     * Obtain which protocols the route containing these tags should be sent to.
     * @param out will be filled with protocols route should be sent to.
     * @param tags policytags that need to be resolved.
    void get_protocols(set<string>& out, const PolicyTags& tags);

    // XXX: this should be the other way around for faster lookups
    typedef map<string,PolicyTags*> Map;

    Map _map;

    // not impl
    PolicyRedistMap(const PolicyRedistMap&);
    PolicyRedistMap& operator=(const PolicyRedistMap&);


Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Mar 9 04:43:25 2006, using kdoc $.