PolicyStatementErr (class) | PolicyStatementErr |
typedef ConfigNodeIdMap<Term*> TermContainer | TermContainer |
PolicyStatement (const string& name, SetMap& smap)
| PolicyStatement |
name | the name of the policy. |
smap | the SetMap. Used for dependancy tracking. |
~PolicyStatement ()
| ~PolicyStatement |
void add_term (const ConfigNodeId& order, Term* term)
| add_term |
Append a term at the end of the policy.
Caller must not delete / modify pointer.
order | node ID with position of term. |
term | term to append to policy. |
Term& find_term (const string& name)
| find_term |
Throws exception if no term is found.
name | name of term to find. |
Returns: term requested.
bool term_exists (const string& name)
| term_exists |
Checks if a term already exists.
name | term name. |
Returns: true if term exists, false otherwise.
bool delete_term (const string& name)
| delete_term |
Attempts to delete a term.
name | name of term to delete. |
Returns: true on successful delete, false otherwise.
const string& name ()
| name |
Returns: name of policy.
bool accept (Visitor& v)
| accept |
Visitor implementation.
v | visitor to visit policy. |
TermContainer& terms ()
| terms |
Returns: terms of this policy
void set_dependancy (const set<string>& sets)
| set_dependancy |
Replace the set dependancies.
sets | the new sets this policy is dependant on. |