ARCHIVE OF RAINBOW NEWS EMAILS... ...sorted in *reverse* chronological order. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS FOR 21 February 1995 *** THE RAINBOW FTP SITE ( Login as 'anonymous' *** RAINBOW DTD VERSION 2.5 NOW AVAILABLE On the FTP server, look for: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/ (annotated DTD in PostScript form) pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbow2-5.rtf (annotated DTD in RTF form, for "WinWord" v6.x) pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbow2-5.dtd (parseable DTD) *** NEW RAINBOW MAKERS (generating v2.5 Rainbow) NOW AVAILABLE Supports these WP formats: RTF: High performance for documents from MacWord 5.x, WinWord 2.x/6.0 RTF from any other source is subject to data/formatting loss, or even premature program termination. Interleaf ASCII: The first line of your Interleaf ASCII document must be: MIF: The first line of your MIF file must start with either: or Available on these platforms: DOS --> can be used on Windows-NT as well Sun4 --> also known as Solaris 1.x Sun5 --> also known as Solaris 2.x HP AIX Location of the documentation: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbmaker/rbmaker.doc Location of the executables: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbmaker ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS for 15 Sep 94 ( ------------ **** ANNOUNCING: RAINBOW DTD v2.4 This DTD is now ready in: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbow2-4.dtd The Rainbow documentation has not yet been updated to reflect changes in v2.4; it still describes v2.3. However, if you are new to Rainbow, the 2.3 documentation is still the best way to get to know Rainbow. You'll find the documentation (in PostScript form) at this location: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/ **** FINALLY: A TRULY USEFUL RAINBOW MAKER EBT now unveils its 3-in-1 Rainbow Maker -- a single executable that can convert documents in three different formats: RTF Interleaf ASCII MIF In the past nine months, as part of the development of its DynaTag(TM) SGML-conversion product, EBT has completely redesigned its Rainbow-generation engines, and has done extensive testing via the DynaTag beta testing program. The result: this new Maker provides quality that far overshadows that of the various convertors that were available previously from this FTP site. The 3-in-1 Rainbow Maker generates Rainbow conforming to v2.4 of the DTD. Currently, the 3-in-1 Rainbow Maker is provided on two machine platforms: DOS (runs in DOS shell: Windows not required) SunOS 4.x To obtain the Rainbow Maker, or to learn more about its usage, visit this directory: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbmaker In that directory, you'll find the installation/usage documentation: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbmaker/rbmaker.doc and you'll find one compressed archive file for each supported platform: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbmaker/ pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbmaker/sun4.tar.Z ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS for 11 May 94 ( ------------ *** RAINBOW DTD VERSION 2.3 NOW AVAILABLE From the FTP server, obtain: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/ (Annotated DTD in PostScript form) pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbow2-3.dtd (machine-parseable DTD) Please note that the machine-parseable DTD is not for human consumption; it is uncommented. The Annotated DTD is the only source of information on the semantics of Rainbow. Here is a brief list of the changes that have occurred in the DTD since version 2.1: The HEAD element (used to store the title of a STRUCLVL) is now just a wrapper around one or more PARA elements. The CLFTYPE element has been introduced, allowing representation of character-level formatting stencils. Thus, the CLF element now accepts a "clftype" attribute. The NAMEDCLF element has been introduced, allowing representation of character sequences that have been given semantic identification via the use of character-level style stencils. NAMEDCLF elements can be nested arbitrarily, and they can contain CLF elements. The keep-with PLF attribute is now two attributes: keep-with-next and keep-with-prev. Any element whose content model was CDATA now has a content model of RCDATA. ANCHOR, IDXTERM, and XREF content models repaired to match the original intended semantics. The TAB element has been added, intended for representation of tab characters found in WP textual content. It is now possible for a single graphic object to be represented in multiple formats/files. The table support has been extended to support the CALS "colsep" and "rowsep" attributes. The use of public entity sets (ISO standard) for representation of special characters and symbols is now mandated. Rainbow now mandates the use of certain PLF attributes on the TABLE element, as described in section 6.21. The line-spacing attribute is now considered a CLF attribute, not a PLF attribute. *** NEW RTF RAINBOW MAKER NOW AVAILABLE The new RTF Maker produces Rainbow conforming to the version 2.3 DTD. It offers a little more support for WinWord 6, but it still is primarily built for WinWord 2 and MacWord 5. Versions for Sparcstation and DOS are available from pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.dos/rtf2rb.exe (DOS version, uncompressed) pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.dos/ (DOS version, PKZIPped) pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.sun/rtf2rb.Z (Sparc version, compressed) IMPORTANT INFO FOR SUN-VERSION USERS: In order to use the Sun RTF Maker, you must place two files (test.fcm and test.pem) in the *current directory* (i.e. the directory that is the current directory at the time you launch the program). Otherwise, the program crashes!!!! So be very careful to pick up these two files: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.sun/test.pem pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.sun/test.fcm IMPORTANT INFO FOR DOS-VERSION USERS: In order to use the DOS RTF Maker, you must place two files (test.fcm and test.pem) in the same directory as the rtf2rb.exe file. If these files are not found, the program crashes!!! So be very careful to pick up these two files: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.dos/test.pem pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.dos/test.fcm Be sure to obtain the documentation: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.doc/rtf2rb.txt And obtain the 2.3 DTD: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbow2-3.dtd ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS for 5 May 94 ( ------------ *** STAY TUNED... RAINBOW VERSION 2.3 IS COMING SOON This forthcoming version provides much better support for symbol characters, upper-Latin characters, and (in general) all single-byte character sets and fonts. We will soon be announcing the availability of this DTD and of Rainbow Makers conforming to it. Stay tuned... *** NEW INTERLEAF RAINBOW MAKER NOW AVAILABLE The new Interleaf Maker produces Rainbow conforming to the version 2.2 DTD. It has been tested only on Interleaf ASCII v8.0. To determine if your data meets that requirement, simply examine the first line of your Interleaf ASCII document; it should look like this: Versions for Sparcstation and DOS are available from pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.dos/iaf2rb.exe (DOS version, uncompressed) pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.dos/ (DOS version, PKZIPped) pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.sun/iaf2rb.Z (Sparc version, compressed) Be sure to obtain the documentation: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rainmake.doc/iaf2rb.txt And obtain the 2.2 DTD: pub/nv/dtd/rainbow/rbow2-2.dtd Known bugs: *) If your document contains nested subcomponents, nested NAMEDCLFs will result, but the 2.2 DTD does not allow nested NAMEDCLFs. (Future versions of Rainbow will support nested NAMEDCLFs.) *) If you have (sub)component names that contain SGML-markup characters (like "&"), invalid attribute values will be generated in the Rainbow. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS for 21 Feb 94 ------------ *** NEW LOCATION FOR Rainbow FTP DIRECTORY Same FTP server: ( New location: pub/nv/DTD/rainbow *** RAINBOW DTD v2.2 Includes a few non-radical improvements and corrections, including: *) Nested CLFs *) Support for word processors that allow templates (styles) at the character level (not just paragraph level) *) Merging of the PARA and HEAD element types *) Repairs to some of the lowest-level content models No Rainbow Makers produce this version of Rainbow yet, but you might want to obtain the Annotated DTD to be prepared for what's coming. Relevant files: pub/nv/DTD/rainbow/ pub/nv/DTD/rainbow/rbow2-2.dtd Never fear: yet another version of Rainbow will appear after the Rainbow review session takes place this week at Documation in L.A. Stay tuned... *** RAINBOW MAKER FOR RTF A new version is available with (yet again) numerous bug fixes. Pick up the executable in: pub/nv/DTD/rainbow/rainmake.{dos|sun} Pick up the doc in: pub/nv/DTD/rainbow/rainmake.doc Enjoy! *** RAINBOW MAKERS FOR MIF/INTERLEAF Due to quality problems, we have removed these two Rainbow Makers from the FTP server. We'll keep you aware of progress on those generators. *** RAINBOW MAKER FOR Quark Xpress In an article posted to Internet newsgroup comp.text.sgml, Tim Pizey wrote: |> |> I have written a converter which can deal with most (all?) |> features in QuarkXpress which could be contained within the |> Rainbow (V1.9) DTD. |> |> Is anyone interested? |> |> Tim Pizey |> Context Computing |> |> tel: (UK) 0225 833510 |> 0865 792942 That's all the info EBT has; contact Tim directly if you are interested. *** RAINBOW MAKER FOR Ventura Publisher An OmniMark(TM) script that generates Rainbow from Ventura Publisher files is nearing availability. Please note that it requires that you own a copy of the OmniMark product from Exoterica, Inc. For information about OmniMark, send email to: or call: 613 722 1700 For information about the script itself, email Nick Carr at: ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS for 31 January 1994 ------------ *** NEW RTF RAINBOW MAKER AVAILABLE The newest version supports version 2.1 of the DTD. Locations: pub/outgoing/rainbow/Sparc-Rainbow-Makers/dtd-ver-2.1/rtf2rb pub/outgoing/rainbow/DOS-Rainbow-Makers/dtd-ver-2.1/rtf2rb.exe Beware these two bugs in the newest version: 1. If your title paragraphs (e.g. those with style "Heading 1") contain embedded hard returns, the Rainbow Maker will generate multiple HEAD elements. The DTD, however, does not currently support multiple HEAD elements, so the instance will not validate. A new version of the DTD is forthcoming that will correct that problem. 2. If your Word document contains an auto-generated TOC, a minor error in the document instance will be generated. The document will not validate, but the repair is trivial and thus can be done by hand. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS for 24 January 1994 ------------ *** FINALLY... A TRULY VALID RAINBOW DTD! Out with the old: EBT had been using the public-domain SGMLS parser to "sanity-check" the Rainbow DTD; now we are aware of its limitations as a DTD sanity checker. In with the new: We are now using Exoterica's parser, and we can finally say we have a valid DTD. This new version (which is identical in its intended semantics to the previously released v2.0) is numbered v2.1 and is available via FTP now; the only changes since v2.0 are tweaks to the SGML declaration and typo fixes in order to make the DTD valid. There are still open issues re: the DTD (e.g. mixed content, recursion, support for multiple character sets and Asian character sets) that will be addressed during the SGML Open review scheduled for the end of February. We invite commentary from all members of the Rainbow community. Pick up the new DTD from pub/outgoing/rainbow/rainbow-rev2.1.dtd There is no need to obtain a revised PostScript "Annotated DTD" because there has not been a change to the intended semantics. *** COMING SOON: NEW RAINBOW-MAKER RELEASES RTF-to-Rainbow: EBT plans to release a new version at the end of this week. It will support the rev 2.1 Rainbow DTD. MIF-to-Rainbow: EBT plans to release a new release at the end of this week. It will support the rev 1.9 Rainbow DTD. Ventura-to-Rainbow: An Australian consulting organization is working on an OmniMark script supporting the Ventura format. Stay tuned; we have no "hard" dates for its release. You will receive notification each time a new Rainbow Maker is released. *** NEWS ARCHIVE NOW AVAILABLE IN THE FTP RAINBOW DIRECTORY New members of the Rainbow mailing list can "get up to speed" quickly by obtaining the NEWS-ARCHIVE file: pub/outgoing/rainbow/NEWS-ARCHIVE It stores every email "newsletter" that has been sent to this mailing list since its conception way back in December of '93. *** FTP STATS (same as they ever were) FTP SERVER: ( NOTE: login as anonymous FTP DIRECTORY: /pub/outgoing/rainbow ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS for 13 January 1994 ------------ 1. FEATURE Check out the latest issue of magazine for a feature article that provides the motivation behind the Rainbow effort. 2. NEW VERSION OF RAINBOW DTD (v2.0) The modifications are based on feedback from Rainbow reviewers and users, and from persons who are creating Rainbow Makers. Pick up the new README file and the annotated DTD (PostScript) and ASCII DTD from pub/outgoing/rainbow/README pub/outgoing/rainbow/ pub/outgoing/rainbow/rainbow-rev2.0.dtd 3. MAJOR RAINBOW REVIEW SLATED FOR Documation '94 (end of February) The SGML Open consortium is making plans for a forum at the Documation convention allowing SGML Open members to present EBT with feedback and suggestions regarding the Rainbow DTD. This will be the first large-scale, organized review of Rainbow. If your company is a member of SGML Open, you will receive information from SGML Open headquarters. If you are not affiliated with SGML Open but have something to say about Rainbow, try to mail those suggestions to before Documation so EBT personnel can have as much information as possible at that time. 4. MISINFORMATION ABOUT RAINBOW IS BEING PROLIFERATED ON THE NET Some anonymous talk on the Internet about Rainbow is promoting misinformation. The following *inaccurate* news item appeared on the Internet: Electronic Book Technologies, Inc. (Providence, RI) has announced a "Rainbow" format and software that will convert most proprietary word-processor formats to a canonical, well-documented SGML format. This insulates publishers from updates to commercial word-processing software. Rainbow SGML may then be converted into the richer SGML structures (or Document Type Definitions) required by proprietary publishing tools. EBT's DynaText, for instance, converts SGML texts to dynamic electronic books. FTP the Rainbow DTD and Rainbow Makers from pub/outgoing/rainbow on, or contact to subscribe to update notifications. Unfortunately, this article (by an unknown author) has created misconceptions about the Rainbow effort. Let us clarify important facts about the Rainbow effort: 1. Rainbow is an *idea* and a publicly available DTD that implements that idea. Rainbow is not a software product and is not currently affiliated with any commercial effort. 2. EBT is providing a small set of Rainbow Makers as a means of "jump starting" the community of Rainbow users, but EBT is not committed to developing fully-supported Rainbow Maker products. EBT plans to make Rainbow-Maker source code available so members of the Rainbow user community can take over maintenance. It is our hope that the Rainbow user community will independently create and share Rainbow Makers freely via the Internet. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS for 21 December 1993 ------------ FTP SERVER: (login as anonymous) FTP DIRECTORY: /pub/outgoing/rainbow Alpha Rainbow Makers are now available for these word-processor formats: FORMAT PLATFORMS FOR WHICH THE MAKER IS AVAILABLE ------ ------------------------------------------ RTF Sparc (SunOS 4.x), DOS MIF Sparc (SunOS 4.x), DOS Interleaf ASCII Sparc (SunOS 4.x), DOS RTF NOTES: The RTF Rainbow Makers (for *both* platforms) were replaced with new versions at 0700 Eastern U.S. Standard Time on 21 December; if you obtained an RTF Rainbow Maker before that time, you should obtain the new version, which fixes a serious bug. MIF NOTES: The MIF Rainbow Maker released on 20 December did not run on many Sparc systems due to dynamic-library assumptions. At 1500 Eastern U.S. pStandard Time on 21 December, we installed a new one that solves that problem. INTERLEAF NOTES: We are already getting reports of fatal errors; we'll keep you in touch about new bug-fix releases of that Rainbow Maker. NOTE TO Solaris (SunOS 5.x) USERS: The Sparc binaries will probably run on your 5.x system in compatibility mode. We invite you to try it and give us feedback (both success stories and failure stories are welcome). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The README file that tells you all about how to obtain and use the Rainbow Makers is found in pub/outgoing/rainbow. You *must* carefully read the new README file, even if you obtained it earlier. It is always subject to change. Remember: these are alphas and are not feature complete. We welcome any and all comments regarding the Rainbow they produce, and we request that all bug reports be accompanied with input files that we can use to reproduce the problem. SEND ALL COMMENTARY AND BUG REPORTS TO: ============================================================================= ============================================================================= RAINBOW NEWS for 20 December 1993 ------------ Alpha Rainbow Makers are now available for these word-processor formats: FORMAT PLATFORMS FOR WHICH THE MAKER IS AVAILABLE ------ ------------------------------------------ RTF DOS MIF Sparc, DOS Interleaf ASCII Sparc, DOS The README file that tells you all about how to obtain and use the Rainbow Makers is found in (log in as anonymous) in the directory pub/outgoing/rainbow. You *must* carefully read the new README file, even if you obtained it earlier. It has a great deal of new information. Remember: these are alphas and are not feature complete. We welcome any and all comments regarding the Rainbow they produce, and we request that all bug reports be accompanied with input files that we can use to reproduce the problem. SEND ALL COMMENTARY AND BUG REPORTS TO: