Copyright © 1997 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.
For information regarding copying and distribution of this material see the
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About This Month's Authors
Larry Ayers
Larry Ayers lives with his family on a small farm in Northeast
Missouri; he is a woodworker, fiddler and general
John M. Fisk
John Fisk is most noteworthy as the former editor of the Linux Gazette.
After three years as a General Surgery resident and
Research Fellow at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
John decided to ":hang up the stethoscope":, and pursue a
career in Medical Information Management. He's currently a full
time student at the Middle Tennessee State University and hopes
to complete a graduate degree in Computer Science before
entering a Medical Informatics Fellowship. In his dwindling
free time he and his wife Faith enjoy hiking and camping in
Tennessee's beautiful Great Smoky Mountains. He has been an avid Linux fan,
since his first Slackware 2.0.0 installation a year and a half
Michael J. Hammel
Michael J. Hammel,
is a transient software engineer with a background in
everything from data communications to GUI development to Interactive Cable
systems--all based in Unix. His interests outside of computers
include 5K/10K races, skiing, Thai food and gardening. He suggests if you
have any serious interest in finding out more about him, you visit his home
pages at http://www.csn.net/~mjhammel. You'll find out more
there than you really wanted to know.
Mike List
Mike List is a father of four teenagers, musician, printer (not
laserjet), and recently reformed technophobe, who has been into computers
since April,1996, and Linux since July.
Henry H. Lu
Henry H. Lu has a M.S. of Biophysics, University of Minnesota and a
B.S. of Physics, Nankai University. He is
currently working as contract bioinformatics analyst in HIV database of
Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico USA, and has
developed Java / HTML, C/C++, perl, shell applications and system tools
for work (Solaris environment) at home Linux box or remote login to
workstation at Lab. For fun, he likes to
hack some of systems/networking programs, use Linux
to learn on-line university courses
(Operating systems / system programming, Network), and write
Java/HTML for my own web page.
Marc Welz
Marc lives in Cape Town, South Africa. He thinks that it must be one of the most beautiful
cites in the world. He should be working on his MSc, but tends to be distracted
by Table Mountain, Linux or anything else.
Not Linux
Thanks to all our authors, not just the ones above, but also those who wrote
giving us their tips and tricks and making suggestions. Thanks also to our
new mirror sites.
Amy Kukuk was a great help this month, putting together News Bytes, More
2 Cent Tips and The Answer Guy. I'm going to be giving her more and
more each month.
I've had a lot of fun going to see the "Star Wars" movies again. Space movies
are so much more fun at a theater. I was amazed to discover that I
can remember the first time I had seen each of them (theatre, company,
etc.). I was pleased to see so many kids there enjoying the epic for the first
time on a big screen.
Riley and I had a lot of fun competing to see who recognized new scenes
first (nudge, nudge).
I thought they did a pretty smooth job of inserting
the scenes without being annoyingly noticeable. I still have to wonder
how the people of Tatooie kept the streets clean with dinosaurs as
pack animals?
Have fun!
Marjorie L. Richardson
Editor, Linux Gazette [email protected]
Linux Gazette Issue 16, April 1997, http://linuxgazette.net/
This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,
[email protected]