...making Linux just a little more fun!

Mirrors and Translations

(35 mirrors in 18 countries and 9 translators for 9 languages)

Updated Tue May 3 2011

The following sites all over the world have volunteered their resources to host Linux Gazette and to translate it into other languages.

[WWW] sites are for on-line reading; [FTP] sites contain the LG in downloadable *.tar.gz format. Please choose a site near you.

Official Linux Gazette Site

Linux Gazette
[WWW] http://linuxgazette.net/

Foreign Language Translations

[WWW] http://arlinux.110mb.com/lgazet/
Maintainer: Umar   [Australia]

Maintainer: Wenhao Chen   [China]

[WWW] http://wiki.traduc.org/Gazette_Linux/
Maintainer: Gael Montreuil   [France]

[WWW] http://linuxgazette.ailabs.web.id/
Maintainer: Triyan W. Nugroho   [Indonesia]

[WWW] http://www.gazetadolinux.com/
Maintainer: Felipe Barousse   [Mexico]

[WWW] http://gazette.linux.ru.net/
Maintainer: Alexander Kuprin   [Russia]

[WWW] http://googlux.com/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Zarko Dudic   [United States]

[WWW] http://www.gacetadelinux.com/
Maintainer: Felipe Barousse   [Mexico]

[WWW] http://sake.in.th/lgthai/
Maintainer: Seksan Poltree   [Thailand]

Note: LG does not endorse specific translations as being official; they're independent projects. However, we gratefully acknowledge all translations and list those we know about here.

If you would like to help translate LG articles, contact the coordinator of your language's translation team, and don't forget to to subscribe to the [email protected] list. If there is no version of LG in your language, start one! Be sure to fill out and email us the form in the Mirrors FAQ; you'll be listed as the coordinator for your language. If you'd like to help translating from your language into English, contact the editor, and we'll let you know when the mail comes in.


Austria   Belgium   Bulgaria   Canada   Chile   France   Germany   Greece   India   Italy   Japan   Netherlands   Norway   Poland   South Africa   Switzerland   United Kingdom   United States  

Flag of AT Austria [AT]
[WWW] http://www.luchs.at/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Rene Pfeiffer

[WWW] http://info.ccone.at/lg/
Maintainer: Gerhard Beck

[WWW] http://linuxgazette.tuwien.ac.at/
[FTP] ftp://linuxgazette.tuwien.ac.at/pub/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Tony Sprinzl

Flag of BE Belgium [BE]
[WWW] http://ftp.easynet.be/LDP/LDP/LG/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.easynet.be/LDP/LDP/LG/
Maintainer: Claude Iyi Dogan

[WWW] http://linuxgazette.unixtech.be/
Maintainer: Cedric Gavage

Flag of BG Bulgaria [BG]
[WWW] http://mirrors.linux-bg.org/linuxgazette/
[FTP] ftp://mirrors.linux-bg.org/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Vladimir Vitkov

Flag of CA Canada [CA]
[WWW] http://linux.drivein-jim.net/
Maintainer: Jim Pierce

Flag of CL Chile [CL]
[WWW] http://linuxgazette.linux.pctools.cl/
[FTP] ftp://linux.pctools.cl/pub/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Felipe Tornvall N.

Flag of FR France [FR]
[WWW] http://linuxgazette.cict.fr/
[FTP] ftp://linuxgazette.cict.fr/lg/
Maintainer: Philippe BAQUÃ

[WWW] http://linuxgazette.gnubox.net/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.gnubox.net/pub/LG/
Maintainer: Postmaster

Flag of DE Germany [DE]
[WWW] http://linuxgazette.berlios.de/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Lutz Henckel

[WWW] http://ftp.gwdg.de/LG/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/gazette/
Maintainer: Eberhard Mönkeberg

[WWW] http://www.ub.uni-stuttgart.de/lg/
Maintainer: Hartwig & Ulrich Alpers

[WWW] http://lg.cybermirror.org/
[FTP] http://lg.cybermirror.org/ftpfiles/
Maintainer: Sascha Schwarz

[WWW] http://mirrors.zerg.biz/lg/
Maintainer: Mihai Leonte

Flag of GR Greece [GR]
[WWW] http://ftp.otenet.gr/www/linuxgazette/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.otenet.gr/pub/www/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: OTE S.A. mirror Team

[WWW] http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linuxgazette.net/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linuxgazette.net/
Maintainer: Kapetanakis Giannis

Flag of IN India [IN]
[WWW] http://www.imsc.res.in/Computer/lg/
Maintainer: Kapil Hari Paranjape

[WWW] http://ftp.iitm.ac.in/LDP/LDP/LGNET/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.iitm.ac.in/LDP/LDP/LGNET/
Maintainer: P. Sriram

Flag of IT Italy [IT]
[WWW] http://www.iasfbo.inaf.it/extras/Services/Local/lg/
Maintainer: Mauro Orlandini

Flag of JP Japan [JP]
[WWW] http://www.unixuser.org/lg/
Maintainer: KAWAHARA Masasi

Flag of NL Netherlands [NL]
[WWW] http://mirrors.supportex.net/LDP/LDP/LGNET/
Maintainer: Andriy Okhmat

Flag of NO Norway [NO]
[WWW] http://www.sdconsult.no/lg/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.sdconsult.no/gazette/
Maintainer: Trygve Selmer

[WWW] http://linuxgazette.no/
[FTP] http://linuxgazette.no/ftpfiles/
Maintainer: Trygve Selmer

[WWW] http://lg.meulie.net/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.poboxes.info/LG/
Maintainer: Evert Meulie

Flag of PL Poland [PL]
[FTP] ftp://ftp.ps.pl/mirrors/linuxgazette.net/
Maintainer: Adam Popik

[WWW] http://piotrkosoft.net/pub/mirrors/linuxgazette/
[FTP] ftp://ftp.piotrkosoft.net/pub/mirrors/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Piotr Maluty

Flag of ZA South Africa [ZA]
[WWW] http://www.linux.org.za/mirrors/lg/
Maintainer: Oskar Pearson

Flag of CH Switzerland [CH]
[WWW] http://mirror.switch.ch/mirror/LinuxGazette/
[FTP] ftp://mirror.switch.ch/mirror/LinuxGazette/
Maintainer: SWITCHmirror

Flag of UK United Kingdom [UK]
[WWW] http://linux.open.ac.uk/
Maintainer: Kevin Quick

Flag of US United States [US]
[WWW] http://www.spade.com/linux/lg/
Maintainer: Ben Spade

[WWW] http://download.nextag.com/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Trieu Nguyen

[WWW] http://www.cyberuse.com/LDP/LDP/LGNET/
Maintainer: Shavkat Karimov

[WWW] http://opensource.become.com/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Arpana Tiwari

[WWW] http://linux.estrellamountain.edu/linuxgazette/
Maintainer: Joey Prestia

Mirroring Linux Gazette

If you would like to mirror Linux Gazette yourself, a complete directory tree and the FTP subtree are available via rsync from our main site; basic instructions for set up are in the Mirrors FAQ. Please be sure to notify us when you do; your URLs will be posted here and your name will be added to the lg-mirrors (very low traffic) list.

If you have sent information about your mirror site and it doesn't yet appear on this list or is incorrect, please resend the info. Mail has been known to get lost, and typing fingers have been known to wander. Also, be careful that you type the full URL and the e-mail address correctly. If I can't find your site, I'll be writing you before adding it to the list.

Be sure to subscribe to our announcement service. Write to lg-announce-request with the word subscribe in the body, so that each month you will receive an e-mail notice when we post the latest issue.

The flag images on this page are provided courtesy of Mooney's MiniFlags. These flag images are licensed for use with Linux Gazette and for non-commerical sites only. For commercial use, please contact Edward Mooney at the above link.
