Re: Upgrading from v11r3 to v11r4

From: Angel Martín Alganza ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jan 11 2001 - 16:07:17 CET

Caro Michele,

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Michele Andreoli wrote:

> Now type "upgrade" and referece /mnt/patch as source for the patch.
> Please, report what will happen.

1. It tells me it had found ROOT.gz and USR.bz2.

2. Then it asks me whether or not it should proccess ROOT.gz. I tell it to
do it. It uncompresses ROOT.gz fine. It says upgrading finished.

        (found 13 new files)

3. The it asks me whether proccesing USR.bz2 or not. I say yes and... (I
am typing this while looking at my notebook (my mouth open, hehe)... it
uncompresses it fine...

        (Found 4 new files)

4. It finally reports:
        Upgrading finished
        Removing tmp area ...

And I get back to the prompt. Now the question is... has it done it
properly? hehe Is there a way to check out which muLinux version I am
runing (appart from rebooting, of course, which I am going to do right
now). I am really anxious now, so I am going to send this email
already... and will report later what happens after reboot.


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