From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 16:09:37 CEST
a new, important enhancement for muLinux is in final stage.
Two new add-on diskettes, called NS1 and NS2. The two disk contains
the SVGA X server for muLinux and the popular browser Netscape
(version 3.x, the best, in my hymble opinion).
The netscape binary is very big (about 4.2 Mega) to enter in a muLinux
ramdisk. So, I compressed it using UPX and splitted it (usind dd) in
two parts, located in NS1 and NS2.
The wrapper script "netscape" is able to rebuild on the fly the
final binary, but it still refuse to starts, when muLinux runs in RAM.
This is because UPX requires much space in /tmp in order to
decompress, but I'm not sure.
So, also loading NS1 and NS2, it is better to clone muLinux in hard-disk
in order to get Netscape running. Sorry.
Despite of this problem, I applied anycase the add-on concept, because
this facilitate trasportation via floppy-disk and installation
via (tarball was more, more easy to do!).
Netscape 3 is a very good thing for muLinux, because it contains a
mailer, a news-reader and a file-browser.
Installing BASE+X11*NS1+NS2 (4 floppy-disk) in an old computer will give
the chance to transport over Internet everyone, with a minimal system
but with a fast-learning-curve (mouse based).
I feel that as a tribute to this good browser, because recently
someone rumored me via email about a definitive shutting-down of this
project from America-On-Line, or I'm wrong?
NS1 and NS2 will appairs in muLinux 12r0 and I will upload this evening,
italian time.
-- I keep trying to locate a meeting of Quantum Physicists. But everytime they set a meeting time, the location changes. And vice versa -- Anonymous --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [email protected] For additional commands, e-mail: [email protected]
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