muLinux and Palm (ppp, mugetty) - contd.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 16:22:29 CET

  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: muLinux and Palm (ppp, mugetty) - contd."

    Andreoli, All,
    Thanks for last answer about mugetty. I indeed enjoyed a lot the "mugetty" - I used it as perfect example to learn Linux scripts.
    Since then I spent several days playing with ppp dial-in and Palm. I managed to set correct configuration for pppd. This was a bit tricky as "options", "dialin.opt", "ip-up" and other config files were set up for dial-out configuration. And dial-in config requires pretty different set-up...
    Nevertheless, this was great learning experience.

    Now to the point - I enjoy now Palm-muLinux direct ppp link. I can connect to my home network and ping all hosts from Palm and vice versa. muLinux host is kind of gateway for Palm. Using Palm web browser and VNC client I can connect to any web/VNC server inside the network. But... the ppp transfer is pretty slow. Packets of ca 500 bytes are interleaved with 1-2 sec. intervals of silence. As a result, it takes 15 sec or more to download standard muLinux web page (ca 3500 bytes) over 115kbps serial link!
    It seems that IP packets are mis-routed periodically and get to final destination (Palm over ppp)after long delay.

    Does any of you have any hint how to debug my network? I've already checked standard things like routing table on muLinux gateway (btw - I understand that pppd itself provides standard gateway service, so no special entries in routing table is needed). Ping also shows decent results both ways...


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  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: muLinux and Palm (ppp, mugetty) - contd."

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