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openafs-devel: OpenAFS Development Libraries and Headers

Name:openafs-devel Vendor:Scientific Linux
Version:1.2.11 License:IBM Public License
Release:15.9.SL URL:
The AFS distributed filesystem. AFS is a distributed filesystem allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers. Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and administrative management. This package provides static development libraries and headers needed to compile AFS applications. Note: AFS currently does not provide shared libraries.

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Tue Sep 21 13:25:43 2004
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:4.59 MiB


* Thu Aug 12 19:00:00 2004 Troy Dawson <dawson{%}fnal{*}gov> 15.7.SL
- Put -fakestat in as a default option
* Tue Aug 10 19:00:00 2004 Troy Dawson <dawson{%}fnal{*}gov> 15.6.SL
- Updated CellServDB
- Put -dynroot in as a default option
* Sat Jun 19 19:00:00 2004 Troy Dawson <dawson{%}fnal{*}gov> 15.4.SL
- Made more changes to startup script. Does sanity checks of ThisCell

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