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samba-swat: The Samba SMB server configuration program.

Name:samba-swat Vendor:Fermi
Version:3.0.7 License:GNU GPL Version 2
Release:1.3E URL:
The samba-swat package includes the new SWAT (Samba Web Administration Tool), for remotely managing Samba's smb.conf file using your favorite Web browser.

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Wed Sep 22 16:18:29 2004
Size:12.33 MiB


* Mon Sep 13 19:00:00 2004 Jay Fenlason <fenlason{%}redhat{*}com> 3.0.7-1.3E
- Upgrade to 3.0.7, which fixes CAN-2004-0807 and CAN-2004-0808
  This obsoletes the 3.0.6-schema patch.
* Fri Jul 23 19:00:00 2004 Jay Fenlason <fenlason{%}redhat{*}com> 3.0.6-2.3E
- Upgrade to 3.0.6, merging -logfiles, -pie, -schema, and -64bit-timestamps
  patches from head.
  Obsoletes -backport -winbind -base64_decode and -hash patches.
- Include Jason Vas Dias <jvdias{%}redhat{*}com> change to this spec
  to disable pie on ppc, ppc64 and pseries.
* Wed Jul 21 19:00:00 2004 Jay Fenlason <fenlason{%}redhat{*}com> 3.0.4-7.3E
- Include patch from  Juanjo Villaplana ([email protected]) to
  prevent building the srpm from trashing your installed

- Backport patch from Jeremy Allison to fix error message
  about "string overflow by 1 (...) in safe_strcpy"
  from cache_mangled_name()

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