User Interface/X

fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi: A set of 75dpi Central European language fonts for X.

Name:fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi Vendor:CERN (
Version:1.0 License:Freely distributable
Release:11 URL:
This package contains a set of Central European language fonts in 75 dpi resolution for the X Window System.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Wed Feb 4 15:26:54 2004
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:887 KiB


* Wed Jan 22 04:00:00 2003 Tim Powers <timp{%}redhat{*}com>
- rebuilt
* Mon Oct 7 05:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris <mharris{%}redhat{*}com> 1.0-10
- All-arch rebuild
* Fri Jun 21 05:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris <mharris{%}redhat{*}com> 1.0-9
- Totally non-automated rebuild done manually without assistance of
  any fancy pants scripts or other automation utilities  ;o)
- Added :unscaled FPE attributes to all bitmap font rpm scripts

Listing created by RepoView-0.5