
perl-Pod-Escapes: Pod-Escapes - - for resolving Pod EE<lt>...E<gt> sequences

Name:perl-Pod-Escapes Vendor:Sean M. Burke <[email protected]>
Version:1.03 License:Artistic
Release:1 URL:
This module provides things that are useful in decoding Pod E<...> sequences. Presumably, it should be used only by Pod parsers and/or formatters. By default, Pod::Escapes exports none of its symbols. But you can request any of them to be exported. Either request them individually, as with C<use Pod::Escapes qw(symbolname symbolname2...);>, or you can do C<use Pod::Escapes qw(:ALL);> to get all exportable symbols.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Thu Apr 22 05:01:37 2004
Packager:[email protected]
Size:28 KiB


* Thu Apr 22 05:00:00 2004 [email protected]
- Initial build.

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