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Re: [oc] teams

Hello Damjan,

Tuesday, March 07, 2000, 12:00:51 AM, you wrote:

DL> Hi everybody,

DL> I think we need to do something with 'Teams' section. It is not in sync with
DL> the actual situation. Should we eliminate it and people get credits on
DL> individual cores pages? Also who will maintain it? Webmaster? Invidual
DL> maintainers that take care for individual cores? Any idea?

DL> regards, Damjan

I have experience about VHDL, Verilog and fpga design.I have the vhdl
simulator (Speedwave and Modelsim), I have the verilog Simulator (VCS)
and FPGA syn( FPGA express). I have altera FPGA design tools (maxplus
II) and xilinx (alliance 1.5). what can l do for you?
l am look forward to keeping in tourch with you.

Best regards,
 wilfred_cui                            mailto:[email protected]