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Re: [oc] teams

Hi all :- )

I think it's better to seperate team on broad classifications like ,
software, harware, and in hardware DSP,etc etc and let a open mailing list
be there for each team.By this one will not receive mails that do not
relate to one's field. Is it necessary for the webmaster to take care of
the mailing list?kindly enlighten me in this regard , iam receiving lot of
mails from opencores which i couldn't figure out what it talks abt.

On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, wilfred_cui wrote:

> Hello Damjan,
> Tuesday, March 07, 2000, 12:00:51 AM, you wrote:
> DL> Hi everybody,
> DL> I think we need to do something with 'Teams' section. It is not in sync with
> DL> the actual situation. Should we eliminate it and people get credits on
> DL> individual cores pages? Also who will maintain it? Webmaster? Invidual
> DL> maintainers that take care for individual cores? Any idea?
> DL> regards, Damjan
> I have experience about VHDL, Verilog and fpga design.I have the vhdl
> simulator (Speedwave and Modelsim), I have the verilog Simulator (VCS)
> and FPGA syn( FPGA express). I have altera FPGA design tools (maxplus
> II) and xilinx (alliance 1.5). what can l do for you?
> l am look forward to keeping in tourch with you.
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  wilfred_cui                            mailto:[email protected]

K.G.Nanda Kumar
Research Engineer
71/1,millers road
Bangalore 560052