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[oc] Another newbie speaks...
Hi folks,
Firstly, some background to myself. I'm a system administrator by trade,
working with Solaris and occasionally Linux. I also have software
development experience, specialising in distributed semi-intelligent
systems, although by dint of experience and a random university degree I
have basic knowledge of hardware, logic design and control theory.
I've been lurking for about a week, now, and there seem to be a lot of new
volunteers. It was suggested that for the time being, there be someone
dedicated to project management, who will intercept newbies and help find
tasks which best suit their skills and requirements. This seems to be
essential, as with all the publicity, the developers will be taken away
from their own projects to deal with this.
My own skills are not well suited to delving straight into developing a
core, even though I know that would be fun, I'd slow the more experienced
developers down. So, I'm offering my services as a sysadmin, software guy
and as newbie coordinator until a more experience project manager arrives.
If this is ok with people, then I'll need to find out exactly who's
working on what, and what extra clues and skills each project requires.
There seem to be a wide selection of core ideas around, now, but I'd
like to throw some more on the table, mainly to do with integrating
the other cores.
o Addition to the serial unit allowing for a console interface, Unix
server style.
o An equivalent to an OpenBoot PROM/firmware console, or even LOM. (I'd
be very interested in working on this)
o An Environmental monitoring unit: temperature, fan speed...
Simon Fraser [email protected]
We are either doing something, or we are not. 'Talking about'
is a subset of 'not'.