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Re: [oc] About VHDL


Thanks for the info.

I bought a book titled VHDL third edition by Douglas Perry and an
interactive simulation software for windows and macintosh titled: LogicWorks
Verilog Modeler.

Any comments about the book?

I will look for the book you posted below and see if it is available.


Third Edition
Douglas Perry
ISBN: 0-07-049436-3
US $60.00

LogicWorks Verilog Modeler
Verilog Behavioral Simulation Tool for LogicWorks 3
[email protected]
US $24.00

-----Original Message-----
From: Ovidiu Lupas <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Monday, March 27, 2000 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: [oc] About VHDL

>Hi !
>>I don't know which book this is, but I have a couple
>>of VHDL reference books I like here.
>>HDL Chip Design
>>Douglas J. Smith
>>ISBN: 0-9651934-3-8
>>The Designer's Guide to VHDL
>>Peter J. Ashenden
>>ISBN: 1-55860-270-4
>Also I have a couple of great VHDL books :
>* Digital Systems Design using VHDL
>   Charles H. Roth, Jr.
>   PWS Publishing Co.
>   ISBN : 0-534-95099-X
>* A VHDL Synthesis Primer
>   J. Bhasker
>   Star Galaxy Publishing
>   ISBN : 0-9650391-9-6
>I think the names of each book are suggestive.
>>Hope this helps,
>Me too,    ;-)
>    Ovidiu