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Re: [oc] About VHDL

On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 09:37:58PM -0800, b gonzales wrote:

> I bought a book titled VHDL third edition by Douglas Perry and an
> interactive simulation software for windows and macintosh titled: LogicWorks
> Verilog Modeler.
> Any comments about the book?

I haven't seen the third edition yet -- but the second one IMHO is the best
one I have ever had in my hands concerning good tricks.



<< _ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  | |      Tomas Bautista. Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
  | |      E-mail address: [email protected]
  |#|      Home page URL:  <http://www.cma.ulpgc.es/users/bautista>
   -       Applied Microelectronics Research Institute, SICAD Division.
   #                       University of Las Palmas de G.C.
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