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Re: [oc] building up an OCRP-1

Hi Larry,

I put a comment below.

Best regards

At 12:11 12.06.00 -0700, you wrote:
>I have ordered a bare OCRP-1 board, to try to bring up at least the
>Virtex/SDRAM/JTAG stuff before the final assembled boards are available.
>I am about to place a Digi-Key (http://www.digikey.com/) order covering
>some of the OCRP-1 parts.  Just in case it helps anyone else is doing
>this, I list the Digi-Key part numbers and descriptions cross referenced
>to the OCRP-1 schematic.  This table is legible in fixed font, with hard
>spaces and line breaks, like every True MUA should use.
>Digi-Key#     Manufact.    Description        Price        OCRP-1 component
>U7103CT-ND    Panasonic    8x10 kOhm          $4.53 /10    RS1 RS3 RS4 RS6
>P4.64KCCT-ND  Panasonic    4.64 kOhm 1% 0805  $0.87 /10    R33 R39 R3
>P0.0ACT-ND    Panasonic     0.0 Ohm     0805  $0.76 /10    R2 ... (9x)
>CT2182LPST-ND CTS          SMT dual SPST      $1.90 each   ST3 ST4 ST5
>LT1085CM-ND   Linear Tech. 1.5 A adjustable   $7.13 each   IC2
>CTX280LV-ND   CTS Reeves   40 MHz 3.3V        $9.50 each   Q2
>PCC103BNCT-ND Panasonic    10nF  50V  0805    $0.08 each*  C46 ... (30x)
>PCC1828CT-ND  Panasonic    100nF 25V  0805    $0.17 each*  C45 ... (23x)
>PCC1849CT-ND  Panasonic    1uF   16V  0805    $0.25 each*  C5  ... (15x)
>PCC1894CT-ND  Panasonic    10uF  10V  1206    $0.84 each*  C36 ... (9x)
>* minimum quantity 10, about 25% price break at quantity 100.
>Joerg kindly gave me more details on the JTAG/XCV1 connector:
>> The JTAG/XCV1 stuff is a SMC type from ERNI Germany (www.erni.com)
>> Different models that fit exist.
>> Be warned: the used connectors don�t carry a taiwanese price tag :-(
>I found product information at http://Connect.ERNI.com/SMC.ssi .
>I might guess the Vertical Male Connector Type Q, part number 064321,
>is suitable for soldering on the OCRP-1.  The JTAG cable would then
>use an IDC Female Connector Type B, part number 103634.  What have
>other people done to JTAG into the board?

the connector originaly used is the 053 261 SMC-Q-12-M-AB.
the J1/J2 connectors are also from that family and have the ID: 
104 559 SMC-Q-50-F-AB.

>The LT1085CM-ND above should generate 2.5 VDC regulated output when
>R12 and R18 are equal and about 100 Ohms, not 0 Ohms as listed on the
>schematic.  Don't go over 125 Ohms for these resistors, the regulator
>needs 10 mA quiescent load to function properly.
>I hope this helps, and I'd like to hear from other people putting a
>board together.  Hints on JTAG, power supplies, finding Virtex and
>SDRAM chips, hey, what's a mailing list for, anyway?  :-)
>      - Larry Doolittle   <[email protected]>

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