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Re: [oc] building up an OCRP-1
> Joerg kindly gave me more details on the JTAG/XCV1 connector:
> > The JTAG/XCV1 stuff is a SMC type from ERNI Germany (www.erni.com)
> > Different models that fit exist.
> > Be warned: the used connectors don�t carry a taiwanese price tag :-(
> I found product information at http://Connect.ERNI.com/SMC.ssi .
> I might guess the Vertical Male Connector Type Q, part number 064321,
> is suitable for soldering on the OCRP-1. The JTAG cable would then
And this is exactly what I use. Perhaps there are also other second source
companies for this connector. I don't know about this.
> SDRAM chips, hey, what's a mailing list for, anyway? :-)
Also I recommend you put Mictor connectors on the board. They are a real
help when you want to debug a new design that works in the simulator but not
on the board. You can attach HP1650 logic analyzer (you need appropriate
connector converter provided by HP). I think you can also attach other HP's
logic analyzer to the Mictor connector.