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Re: [oc] Wishbone historical perspective and a proposal totheOpenCores group

Hello Rudi:

Great!  Sounds good to me.  I'll keep monitoring this reflector and jump in when
there are questions.

Wade D. Peterson
Silicore Corporation
6310 Butterworth Lane
Corcoran, MN  USA  55340
TEL: (763) 478-3567, FAX: (763) 478-3568
URL: www.silicore.net  E-MAIL: [email protected]

----- Original Message -----
From: Rudolf Usselmann <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [oc] Wishbone historical perspective and a proposal totheOpenCores

> on 1/4/01 18:59, Wade D. Peterson at [email protected] wrote:
> > Whoops!  I guess I didn't mean that I'd take over your project.  In fact, I
> > don't even know exactly what it is.  By "WISHBONE technical consultant or
> > leadership role" I meant that I'd be happy to act as a WISHBONE advisor
> > provide technical support), or take a more active role in defining the
> > integration or changing the WISHBONE spec.  That would be my contribution.
> > I'm
> > swamped with work right now, but I would be happy to spend some time working
> > the
> > SoC integration issues in an advisory role.
> >
> > How about this: the group attempts to use WISHBONE 'as-is'.  However, if
> > somebody runs into problems or need changes made, then I'll noodle out the
> > changes to the spec and make them.  The group can decide what's appropriate,
> > and
> > provide guidance as to what they want.
> >
> > My goal here is to get the OpenCores group doing SoC with WISHBONE.  Not
> > does this spread the 'gospel' of the compatible IP core, but I'm hoping to
> > WISHBONE compatible IP on your website some day.
> >
> > Wade
> No, no, that's exactly what I meant ! I think we both mean the same thing !
> I think it would be great if you would be in charge of advancements of
> the wishbone spec if/when you transfer it to OpenCores. Users would make
> suggestions, etc, and we would jointly agree on modifications. You would
> participate in everything as you see fit. When we have consensus on a
> modification, you would add it to the spec and release a revised version.
> My task was to suggest a SoC, and I think it is complete now !
> Cheers,
> rudi