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Re: [oc] Wishbus Bus

Hi all,

About spreading design effort. I think that of course we don't want many people
working on the same job doing the same thing and wasting their time. But we do
want a group of designers working on the same design, dividing the work between
them. This is only possible if there is a project leader that takes the
responsibility for the job. The project leader should design the top level and
divide the work to chunks that people could handle with good interfaces. Then he
should publish these blocks and let others join in to help him...
What do you think?


"Ovidiu Lupas" <[email protected]>@opencores.org on 31/12/2000 15:47:06

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Subject:  Re: [oc] Wishbus Bus

Hi all,

> If you are building a PCI<->Wishbone bridge (which would be super, super
> cool :*) you will need additional information (such as bus width) from
> the devices that you are talking to. This should be easy and straight
> forward to add ....
I have started the work on a PCI target, and I would like to make from it
a PCI - Wishbone bridge. Actually, I am waiting to see what standard bus
will be choosed to be implemented. Meanwhile, I am working on the PCI
side ... ;)

I am writing this, so not to be others developing the same thing. It is
to spread the design efforts, to cover as much designs as possible.

 Best Regards,

> on 12/31/00 11:14, Winefred Washington at [email protected] wrote:
> > We may need to make an additional requirement to the Wishbone spec or
> > perhaps Silicore is already working on it.
> >
> > I was working on a simple testbench and here's the problem I think I
> > A master device has to know what the bus width of the slave device is
> > the transfer to work correctly. Suppose we have a 32-bit PCI to Wishbone
> > device and it has to transfer data to 32-bit  and an 8-bit devices. The
> > core has to change how the data is presented on the bus to match the
> > width of the slave devices. That means the PCI core has to contain logic
> > specific to the application which hurts reuse.
> >
> > One solution is to fix the data widths to 32-bits for all cores.
> >
> > Any comments?
> >
> > Did I miss something in the spec?
> >
> > WW
> >
> >
> >
> >