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Re: [oc] Wishbus Bus

Hello Winefred:

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the question that you're asking is:
how do I make WISHBONE slaves indicate (back to the MASTER) the data operand
size that they're transferring?

As I'll describe below, you can design a WISHBONE interconnection system that
does this.  Quite frankly, most of my own bus bridge work has been done between
VMEbus and WISHBONE, and I haven't spent much time on this particular problem.
However, I after thinking about it I can offer the following suggestions:

1) Make sure that you actually need your slaves to acknowledge their transfer
size.  For example, in the VMEbus bridges this is not a problem because each
master is aware of each slave's interface size.  The MASTER does this by
dividing its addressing range into chunks where the slaves in those chunks have
8, 16, 32 or 64 bit data paths.  For example, if the MASTER is transferring at a
high address, then would assume a 64-bit transfer.  If it's at a low address,
then it could be 16-bits or something like that.  This technique has been done
for years, and works very well.

2) This same thing could be done by the system integrator.  In this case, the
WISHBONE interconnection (which is defined by the system integrator) would
contain an address decoder that informs the bridge of the size of each slave.
This makes the IP core design easier, but increases the work load for the system

3) Your idea about standardizing on common slave sizes (e.g. 32-bits) will solve
this problem and make system integration easier, as there are less variables to
deal with.  However, there are so many different types of cores and applications
that no matter what you choose, I think you'll regret it in the future.

4) If you really do want your slaves to acknowledge with a transfer size, then
you could do one of two things:

  (a) The system integrator can create some logic that works in conjuction with
a standard WISHBONE IP core.  Under this scenario, the system integrator adds
some glue logic (to their interconnection) that generates some data size
signals.  This can be done outside of the IP core interface, and is very easy
for the system integrator to do.  Information from the WISHBONE DATASHEET will
help in this regard too.  These added signals then carry the size information
wherever it is needed.

  (b) If your SLAVE needs to dynamically change the width of it's interface
(i.e. on-the-fly), then you can define the IP core with one or more [TAG_O]
signals that indicate the width of the transfer.  These are combined with
special instructions for the system integrator.

5) The final answer may be that we add some signals to the slave to make your
life easier in this application.  If you can think of some strategy for doing
this (within the context of the current WISHBONE philosophy), then we could add
them in a future revision.  I've learned a lot about VMEbus bridges in my own
research.  That, together with what you have learned about PCI bridges, might
lead to a better standard.  I would be willing to commit some time to work with
you on this concept if you're interested.

Best regards,

Wade D. Peterson
Silicore Corporation
6310 Butterworth Lane
Corcoran, MN  USA  55340
TEL: (763) 478-3567, FAX: (763) 478-3568
URL: www.silicore.net  E-MAIL: [email protected]

> > on 12/31/00 11:14, Winefred Washington at [email protected] wrote:
> > > We may need to make an additional requirement to the Wishbone spec or
> > > perhaps Silicore is already working on it.
> > >
> > > I was working on a simple testbench and here's the problem I think I
> found.
> > > A master device has to know what the bus width of the slave device is
> for
> > > the transfer to work correctly. Suppose we have a 32-bit PCI to Wishbone
> > > device and it has to transfer data to 32-bit  and an 8-bit devices. The
> > > core has to change how the data is presented on the bus to match the
> data
> > > width of the slave devices. That means the PCI core has to contain logic
> > > specific to the application which hurts reuse.
> > >
> > > One solution is to fix the data widths to 32-bits for all cores.
> > >
> > > Any comments?
> > >
> > > Did I miss something in the spec?
> > >
> > > WW
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >