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Re: [oc] Wishbus Bus
Hi Wade,
Thanks for the reply regarding dynamic bus sizing. I'm currently working on
a set of behaviorals for WISHBONE and didn't know how to handle the dynamic
bus sizing issues. Could please respond to a couple earlier questions I
1. How should transactions which target non-exist addresses be trapped and
2. Should we support time limits on transactions?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wade D. Peterson" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 01, 2001 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [oc] Wishbus Bus
> Hello Winefred:
> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the question that you're
asking is:
> how do I make WISHBONE slaves indicate (back to the MASTER) the data
> size that they're transferring?
> As I'll describe below, you can design a WISHBONE interconnection system
> does this. Quite frankly, most of my own bus bridge work has been done
> VMEbus and WISHBONE, and I haven't spent much time on this particular
> However, I after thinking about it I can offer the following suggestions:
> 1) Make sure that you actually need your slaves to acknowledge their
> size. For example, in the VMEbus bridges this is not a problem because
> master is aware of each slave's interface size. The MASTER does this by
> dividing its addressing range into chunks where the slaves in those chunks
> 8, 16, 32 or 64 bit data paths. For example, if the MASTER is
transferring at a
> high address, then would assume a 64-bit transfer. If it's at a low
> then it could be 16-bits or something like that. This technique has been
> for years, and works very well.
> 2) This same thing could be done by the system integrator. In this case,
> WISHBONE interconnection (which is defined by the system integrator) would
> contain an address decoder that informs the bridge of the size of each
> This makes the IP core design easier, but increases the work load for the
> integrator.
> 3) Your idea about standardizing on common slave sizes (e.g. 32-bits) will
> this problem and make system integration easier, as there are less
variables to
> deal with. However, there are so many different types of cores and
> that no matter what you choose, I think you'll regret it in the future.
> 4) If you really do want your slaves to acknowledge with a transfer size,
> you could do one of two things:
> (a) The system integrator can create some logic that works in conjuction
> a standard WISHBONE IP core. Under this scenario, the system integrator
> some glue logic (to their interconnection) that generates some data size
> signals. This can be done outside of the IP core interface, and is very
> for the system integrator to do. Information from the WISHBONE DATASHEET
> help in this regard too. These added signals then carry the size
> wherever it is needed.
> (b) If your SLAVE needs to dynamically change the width of it's
> (i.e. on-the-fly), then you can define the IP core with one or more
> signals that indicate the width of the transfer. These are combined with
> special instructions for the system integrator.
> 5) The final answer may be that we add some signals to the slave to make
> life easier in this application. If you can think of some strategy for
> this (within the context of the current WISHBONE philosophy), then we
could add
> them in a future revision. I've learned a lot about VMEbus bridges in my
> research. That, together with what you have learned about PCI bridges,
> lead to a better standard. I would be willing to commit some time to work
> you on this concept if you're interested.
> Best regards,
> Wade D. Peterson
> Silicore Corporation
> 6310 Butterworth Lane
> Corcoran, MN USA 55340
> TEL: (763) 478-3567, FAX: (763) 478-3568
> URL: www.silicore.net E-MAIL: [email protected]
> > > on 12/31/00 11:14, Winefred Washington at [email protected]
> > > > We may need to make an additional requirement to the Wishbone spec
> > > > perhaps Silicore is already working on it.
> > > >
> > > > I was working on a simple testbench and here's the problem I think I
> > found.
> > > > A master device has to know what the bus width of the slave device
> > for
> > > > the transfer to work correctly. Suppose we have a 32-bit PCI to
> > > > device and it has to transfer data to 32-bit and an 8-bit devices.
> > PCI
> > > > core has to change how the data is presented on the bus to match the
> > data
> > > > width of the slave devices. That means the PCI core has to contain
> > > > specific to the application which hurts reuse.
> > > >
> > > > One solution is to fix the data widths to 32-bits for all cores.
> > > >
> > > > Any comments?
> > > >
> > > > Did I miss something in the spec?
> > > >
> > > > WW
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >