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[oc] New open project for a display architecture
Hello everybody,
is someone interested in a new open project for developing a new/(old)
display architecture, a kink of color X-terminal?
One of the big advantages of unix-based system is the X-windows system. I
know, that it is sometimes also a disadvantage, e.g. for fast datatransfers
used for displaying moving pictures like DVD. However, I see it as an
advantage to get everywhere in a network the graphical display output
(wherever a X-server can run). I see it as advantage, that you can place the
computer on a different place as the man-machine-interface.
For my opinion, it would be the best thing to integrate the
X-server-controller (maybe some sort of 32bit microcontroller (ARM / MIPS /
OC-1 or whatever) with USB for keyboard and mouse) and the graphic-controller
for the display direct integrated in the monitor housing (in the future a LCD
panel, but it might be also the TV for home application) and then communicate
with the computer (CPU) via a fast data interface. This may start with
ethernet (10/100 BaseT) for slow application, GigaBit Ethernet/IEEE1394 or
other fast interconnections for faster speed (maybe also fibre optic).
This would be a good architecture for example for home networking (one
central server with internet connection and without graphical output
somewhere in the house and then many X-terminals somewhere in the house
(might also be the TV).
I know, it doesn't have anything to do with Open-Cores (exception integrating
cores for getting such a solution), but I try to find some people who have
the same opinion.
Neo Laengerich
mailto:[email protected]