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Re: [oc] Want to Join in Core Development Team

You are more than welcomed.
You can contribute in any idea you like
I recommend to go to the communication feild

Jamil Khatib
--- Souvik Basu <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello Sir/Madam,
> 	I am a final year graduate student at Dept. of
> Computer Science &
> Engineering at Indian Instute of Technology, Kanpur
> want to join in the
> core development team !!
> 	I went through the site recently and found it
> really
> useful, informative and can seriously contribute in
> the OpenSource
> development. I am familier with Computer
> Architecure, Electronics and
> Verilog coding.
> 	Kindly let me know the oppertunities at core
> development team.
> 	Thanking you
> 	Souvik Basu

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