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Re[2]: [oc] Seamless Functionality
Hello Damjan,
How about another subscirbe level that sends you no mail but allows
you to mail the list? That would take care of most people's problems.
Monday, June 18, 2001, 10:58:58 AM, you wrote:
DL> Hello everyone,
DL> lately spam is becoming really a big problem. What we are thinking right now
DL> is to change status of this list from open to closed. Meaning you can post
DL> to this mailing list only from email address that you used during
DL> subscription. In most cases this is ok and it would also eliminate 95% of
DL> spam email. However some of you use different (daily) email compared to the
DL> one that you used to subscribe (for exampel if you have email aliases that
DL> deliver email for different aliases to common mailbox).
DL> Should we make this list closed?
DL> In case that you send email with different from email address than the one
DL> that you are subscribed with, your email will be silently droped. One way is
DL> to send all denied email back with a message that you can bypass closed list
DL> by sending email to some unpublished email address (for example
DL> [email protected] or something like that). I think automated spam
DL> software won't be able to analyze this response and send email to hidden
DL> open list.
DL> I'm also thinking to change all email on the web site from
DL> [email protected]_NOSPAM to email (at) opencores.org. This is now very
DL> common on some known web sites that host mailing lists (for example GCC web
DL> site uses this trick). Should we try to do this? However this method of
DL> tranforming email address might be confusing for someone who sees this for
DL> the first time.
DL> Comments?
DL> regards,
DL> Damjan
DL> --
DL> To unsubscribe from cores mailing list please visit http://www.opencores.org/mailinglists.shtml
Best regards,
Jonathan mailto:[email protected]
To unsubscribe from cores mailing list please visit http://www.opencores.org/mailinglists.shtml