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Re: [oc] Seamless Functionality

Damjan Lampret wrote:
> I'm also thinking to change all email on the web site from
> [email protected]_NOSPAM to email (at) opencores.org. This is now very
> common on some known web sites that host mailing lists (for example GCC web
> site uses this trick). Should we try to do this? However this method of
> tranforming email address might be confusing for someone who sees this for
> the first time.

	What about using some kind of text that makes easy to human reading but
difficult to machines. Something like:

Text here    |     email:     | some text here
text here    |     cores      | text
text	     |       @        | text
text	     | opencores.org  | text

	You can make this using a 4 x 3 table without borders.
	Maybe you can make a nice picture of the email address and put without
the email link.

> Comments?
	I do like the idea of moving to a closed list.

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