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Re: [oc] Async x86 plus

We have strong experiences with SystemC.
We have used it for more than one year on 3 projects: verification of
network processor, FireWire testbnches, and crypto subsystem. It is a free
Synopsys tool, but as I know Synopsys is offering commercial version of
SystemC. There is sysnthesis tool from Synopsys and it is integrated in
CoCentric Studio. There a lot of functionalities in this bundle: link to
Verilog/VHDL simulators, synthesis from SystemC (direct and indirect), and
so on.

We are not impressed with SystemC. It could be solution for specific
testbench structure which also depends on DUT functionality. The main
strength of SystemC is probably in high-level modeling and software/hardware
co-design. A lot of things in SystemC can be achieved with other tools with
much better stability and support.

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 7:23 PM
Subject: [oc] Async x86 plus

> I'm trying to start a project.  I was wondering how to edit a project
> once I have started it.  The project is there (go to it and join :> ) but
> it doen't have any information listed and I would like to expand it.
> Also, if anyone has an opinon on SystemC, I would love to hear it.
> I've heard that SystemC is free but there are no free tools.  Has this
> changed?  Are there any free synthisis tools (I doubt this)?  How
> about good, free text editors?
> Thanks,
> Brian Korsedal
> --
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