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Re: [oc] old/abandoned projects

I like the idea of inactive and obsolete pages as well. So the question is
how to determine in an automatic or semi-automatic way which projects are

I guess two ways are to look at the webeditor activity and cvs activity.


> From: Jecel Assumpcao Jr <[email protected]>
> On Friday 04 January 2002 15:37, Damjan Lampret wrote:
> > Maybe we should consider also checking if a project is abandoned and
> > it should be deleted. Or should a project remain on opencores
> > forever, except it should be moved to something like a graveyard
> > (maybe with an option that could be revived if someone would take it
> > over)?
> Deleting those projects would be a bad idea since you would lose a
> sense of history in OC. New people would come in and start projects
> almost exactly like those that had died out thinking they were the
> first ones to have that idea.
> It would be much better to move such projects to a special "inactive"
> page and not have them show up in normal listings. It might also be
> interesting to better separate "finished" and "in development" projects.
> Eventually it might be a good idea to add an "obsolete" page for
> projects that were finished a long time ago and should no longer be

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