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Re: [oc] EEPROM Programmers using FPGAs?
Daniel Haensse wrote:
> > Its handy as he made it to program 27c801 chips, 8mbit (1M x 8bit
> > configuration) which are the ones
> > I am going to use for my ucLinux project so how handy is that?
> Why don't you use flash chips? This will be more confortable to you!!
> Dani
I agree with Dani Flash is much more comforatable with your
project(ucLinux); and default ucLinux make you can erase Flash from
command-line program(as mine: erase_flash) and write them by simple
command-line program(like dd, or cp)
/* ___ ^
\e/ | | /e\
v ---
Erik M. Sirikhum,
OpenSource Designer,
Eric Conspiracy Secret Labs
<[email protected]>
http://chaokhun.kmitl.ac.th/~s2010159 */
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