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RE: ??: [oc] EEPROM Programmers using FPGAs? now its EPROM vsFLASH ti me
Okay I'll use DRAMs for fluid data and just use FLASH for ucLinux binaries,
power on/off and critical log. All I need now is good place to buy them
or get some free samples from somewhere. Fed up with talking now want to
walk the walk ;-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
> Behalf Of Daniel Haensse
> Sent: 08 January 2002 15:16
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: ??: [oc] EEPROM Programmers using FPGAs? now its EPROM
> vsFLASH ti me
> Am Dienstag, 8. Januar 2002 13.25 schrieben Sie:
> > It's very easy to use FLASH.
> > Martin has explained the speed of FLASH,but the one thing should be
> > carefully treated using FLASH, which is
> > it's life time.As you know FLASH has write access times limitation, when a
> > position in FLASH have been rewriten
> > up to 100,000 times it will be crashed that means you will lost your data
> > which stored in this position.So you need
> > schedule the writing access very soomthly to extend the total FLASH RAM
> > lifetime.
> >
> ;-) Well if Paul would erase his eprom for 20 minutes each time. We has 4
> years of work ;-)
> There are also other types that last longer, but your right, we want to use
> jffs and we write tiny logs all the time. With such a setting the number of
> erase cycles of the chip is limited to 100'000 times. It is not that you can
> only write 100'000 times at the chip. You can write 1's down to 0's and if
> you filled up the chip, then you have to erase it again. That number of
> cycles is limited to 100'000.
> Dani
> > sincerely
> > chen
> >
> > Hi Paul,
> > <snip>
> >
> > >How easy is it to use FLASH? As easy as SRAM? What sort of access speeds
> > >do you get from them? And how much do typical units cost?
> >
> > It's as easy to read as SRAM, 80-120ns access times are typical. Writing
> > is accomplished by sending (writing) a series of commands and data to the
> > device, for erasing pages of memory and then writing the data values and
> > write protecting and so-on. AMD have good datasheets on their devices.
> > Dunno about prices, I tend to scrounge samples most of the time at the
> > moment :-)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Martin
> --
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