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Re: [oc] Binary Divides for uP core

You can also multiply using a combination of look-up table and adder.
Instead of doing a shift and add one bit at a time you can process two,
three, four, ... bits at a time. Some of the CRC32 generators used to
do this (way back).

Also (way back), some implimentations of division generated 1/n then
performed a multiply.

    m / n = m * (1 / n)

The accuracy of the remainder is not the same.

Jim Dempsey

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Herveille" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 2:30 AM
Subject: Re: [oc] Binary Divides for uP core

> As everybody knows (or should know), a hardware multiplier is simply a
> bunch of adders.
> The proces is called "multiplication by repeated addition".
> Each adder adds a shifted-and-anded part to the final result, see example.
> A=10, B=2 A*B=
>   1010
>     10
> -----
>   0000    ((1010 && 0) << 0)
> 10100    ((1010 && 1) <<1)
> ----- +
> 10100
> The final result always fits into Abits + Bbits (4+2=6 bits in the
> example), i.e.
> the result of a k*k bit multiplication always fits into 2k bits.
> Also there is no (real) difference between unsigned and signed
> Now for the difficult part division:
> Differences from the multiplication
> 1) The most common implementation is a bunch of subtractors.
>     This process is called "Division by repeated subtraction".
>     Other implementations use BSD numbers and/or adder-subtractor
> 2) In a divider bits become available one at a time, starting at the MSB.
>     intuitive: Try to divide 1189/4 by hand, you also start at the MSD.
> 3) Because of point-2 dividers are inherently slower than multipliers
>     Also single clock division is (almost) impossible.
>     note: Single cycle IS possible (pipeline your design).
> 4) A 2K by K division does NOT always fit into K bits
>     example 0100/01
> 5) There's a big difference between signed and unsigned division.
> Here are some common implementations you should try to find, because these
> are the simplest to implement:
> "Restoring Unsigned Divider"
> "Non-Restoring Unsigned Divider"
> "Non-Restoring Signed Divider"
> "Division by repeated multiplication"
> The last method works great, if a hardware multiplier is available.
> There are also some structures which combine multipliers and dividers.
> Richard
> >Hi,
> >
> >Does anybody know the routine for doing a binary division in HDL?
> >I'm developing a uP core and would like to do divisions in one
> >clock cycle if possible? The multiple instruction was easy to
> >figure out but I'm still stuck on the division one.
> >
> >Paul
> >
> >
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