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Re: [oc] Beyond Transmeta...

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 18:49, Jim Dempsey wrote:
> e.g. the result of an n-bit adder is available only after
> the complete result is available and not as the result propigates
> across
> width of the adder. 
Hey, this looks very familiar with that they say about Quantum
Computing. That quibits have to remain in superposition until the end of
calculation. Then they can colapse into a single quantum state, when
"measure" makes the result available. (or something quite familiar to
what I wrote, but maybe expresed it auqardly)

Maybe we should convince major players it might be interesting to pursue
the research into more Quantum Computing elements, such as those I read
about in New Scientist every now and then

Just a thought.

Ivan Guzvinec <[email protected]>
Flextronics d.o.o.

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