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[oc] RE: [pci] PCI core ( LICENSING )


We use LGPL license. If you change anything in the core you have downloaded
(in this case PCI IP Core), you have to report any modifications that you
have made to the PCI IP Core. But you DO NOT have to give/report anything
else (other sources/drivers, etc.) that was developed only by your staff.
LGPL license is only relevant to the I.P. core that you have downloaded from

For example, if you by an ARM core and wish to connect it with a PCI IP Core
(from OpenCores), you would have to make some changes to the PCI IP Core in
order to connect to ARM core with AMBA bus. You are only obliged to report
changes that you have made to the PCI IP Core (as required by LGPL license).
You are not required to publish ARM core under the LGPL license and besides,
the ARM corporation WILL NOT ALLOW you to publish it's ARM core.

It is evident that LGPL license is only applicable to I.P. cores obtained
from OpenCores.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

NB: I have sent this mail to CORES mailing list also due to frequent
questions regarding licensing of the I.P. cores.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf
Of Yanick C�t�
Sent: 2. april 2003 18:52
To: [email protected]
Subject: [pci] PCI core

Is your project protected by any GPL or LGPL license ? If yes, which one
? We are strongly interessed in using the PCI core in a new design, but
I don't know a lot yet about GPL/LGPL licenses and we can't give to
anyone the other sources from our design. We agree that if we modify the
PCI core we have to give you a list of the modifications but what about
the other sources/drivers in the system developed only by our staff ?

Thanks !

 Yanick C�t�
 Electronics R&D Manager
 [email protected]
Optel Vision
Web :  http://www.optelvision.com
Phone: (418) 688-0334   Ext: (204)
Fax:   (418) 688-9397
800:   (866) 688-0334   Ext: (204)

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